Friday, March 25, 2011

Sisters Adopt L'Arche St. Louis as a Prayer Partner

This past Wednesday Franciscan Sister Janet Ryan and Visitation associate Helen Rissi came to update the Sisters on the progress of the L’Arche project in St. Louis. As found on their website, “L’Arche enables people with and without disabilities to share their lives in communities of faith and friendship. Community members are transformed through relationships of mutuality, respect, and companionship as they live, work, pray, and play together.” Author Henri Nouwen popularized this ministry by living in a L’Arche community and writing about his experiences.
In St. Louis, core members—developmentally disabled adults—are being identified to live in community in the tradition of founder Jean Vanier and associate members—those who dedicate themselves to living with them-- are being recruited. The renovation of the former Immaculate Conception convent in Maplewood is only a week away from being complete.
This project has been in the process of planning by Helen and a small group of inspired people whose dream it is to see marginalized persons live in a small loving community rather than an institution. Sr. Janet is leading and coordinating the foundation and alumna Margaret Tucker ’77 is a member of the Board.  This project is dear to the Visitation Community as the Sisters are the official prayer partners for the L’Arche community in St. Louis.
The essence of L’Arche is shared life between persons with visible developmental disabilities and those who carry their handicaps less visibly. What an inspiring example for our workplaces, families, parish and religious communities.

Learn more about L’Arche USA here.

1 comment:

  1. Sister Marie Therese, Thank you so much for helping us to announce the mission of L'Arche here in St. Louis! We are honored to be partnered with the Sisters of the Visitation in St. Louis! Thank you for all your prayers!
    peace, Janet Ryan,osf, community leader, L'Arche St. Louis.
