Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sister Lucy's Reflection at the Mothers' Club Lenten Day of Recollection

Sister Lucy
Lent is upon us - a time to reflect on what Jesus Christ, in His great love, has done for us and how we have responded to this great love.

Christ in His passion did not have the support of His friends (apostles).  They slept as He agonized.  He even asked God His Father to relieve Him: "Father let this chalice pass from me, but not my will but Thy will be done."  When we are distressed and feel no support - and this does happen whether in great things or small things - can we respond as He did?  If not, we can turn to One who knows how it feels to be bereft.  We can also be a support to others in their distress.

Christ was beaten so badly with whips that His flesh was ripped open.   He suffered that for me and for you.  Have we ever thought that we may be the cause of some of those lashes when we lash out in anger or gossip about another?  It is well to think of our tongues as whips.  For a positive Lenten practice, perhaps we can curb our tongues when we speak out of impatience, anger or lack of charity.  It might also be well to examine and ask, "Why am I impatient?  Why am I angry?  Why am I feeling uncharitable?"  We need to be honest with ourselves and admit that the fault is with ourselves.

Christ was crowned with a circle of thorns; they were not small thorns and they were beaten onto His head, not gently placed.  Can you imagine the pain!  There are times when we may feel like we have a crown of thorns because of tensions we are under at home, at work or other circumstances.  Christ suffered that for us without complaint; can we offer our suffering up to Him, ask His help, calmly and peacefully ease the situation if possible?
Mothers' Club Lenten Retreat
Visitation Academy Chapel

Christ was forced to carry the heavy cross beam on badly bruised back and shoulders - again no complaint.  We have many crosses in our lives - heavy, medium and small ones - how do we carry them?  Sometimes we think we are the only ones who have crosses, but if we look around near us and far away from us, we will see that there are others carrying crosses.  Christ is always there to help us for He knows our capacity for suffering.  Remember in Scripture He said: "Take up your cross daily and follow me."

Christ is stripped and utters no complaint but suffers this indignity for love of us.  There are times when we are "stripped" of our job/income, ourhealth, our families, our reputation.  I am sure that you can think of other strippings.  Do we turn to God and ask His help?

Now we come to Christ being nailed to the cross.  The hammering of the nails - spikes! into His hands and feet.  Can you imagine the pain!  I believe we all have pains, some worse than others.  Can we offer our suffering in union with Christ's suffering?   There is so much in us, in our families in the world that needs explanation.

Christ did all this for love of us and He sees and knows our splendor, each and every one of us.  He said to St. Margaret Mary: "Behold this heart so full of love for men and have received so little love in return." 

l-Sister Lucy, r-Sister Margaret Mary
Can we be those who return love?